民事判決書:civil judgment 判決:judgment
原告:plaintiff 被告:defendant 法人:legal person
法定代表:legal representative 訴訟代理人:agent ad litem
證據:evidence/exhibit 立案:docket a case
組成合議庭開庭審理:form a collegial panel to conduct the trial
不服一審判決:refuse to accept the first-instance judgment
起訴狀:a statement of complaint 上訴狀:the appeal petition 答辯狀:the defence
裁定撤銷原判決:make a written order to set aside the judgment
發回原審人民法院重審:remand the case to the original people’s court for retrial
證人證言:testimony of witnesses 當事人陳述:statement of the parties
強制措施:compulsory measures
Before→ Prior to
According to→ In accordance with /pursuant to
Do /does/did not do sth → fail/fails/failed to do sth
If→ should/provided that /in case that
The parties shall perform the obligations as per law.
Party A shall pay RMB 500 Yuan to Party B as deposit.
Should such negotiation fails, such dispute may be referred to the people’s court with jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement.
2. 狀語的使用
No party shall, after having paid to the joint venture company the entirety of the capital it has subscribed, bear any responsibility for any of the debts and liabilities of the joint venture company.
3. 用語嚴謹(同近義詞并用)
Null and void
Terms and conditions
By and between
1. 一般情況 RMB (in figures)Yuan
例:RMB 100 Yuan
2. 判決訴訟費
RMB (in figures)Yuan (SAY RMB (in capitalized letters) ONLY)
章chapter 條article 款item
Item 7 of Article 2 of Chapter 1
1. 審判庭對案件的受理
This court, after filing the case A (plaintiff) V. B (defendant) for copyright infringement, duly formed a collegiate panel and held an open trial. Appearing at the court for debate were….
The hearing of the case has now come to a close.
2. 原告的權力主張
原告A訴稱:Plaintiff A alleges that:
To support her allegations, the plaintiff produced the following exhibits at the trial:
3. 被告的辯解
被告辯稱:The defendant contends that
4. 原、被告各方的質證
During the trial, the plaintiff and the defendant examined the above exhibits, and each party commented on the evidence provided by the opposing party.
The parties were not in dispute with respect to the following facts during the trial:
At issue are the following questions of fact:
5. 審判庭對事實的認定
本院對上述事實予以確認。The above facts are acknowledged by this court
經審理查明The court identified facts by trial as follows
本院認為This court holds that
6. 審判庭對案件的判決
To conclude, in accordance with XX Law, we hereby decide as follows:
(2) 原告的其它訴訟請求不予支持
This court will not sustain plaintiff’s other claims.
Outcome of the lawsuit on appeal: appeal was dismissed and the decision of the trial court affirmed.
The cost of this lawsuit, in the amount of RMB 3,510 Yuan, shall be shared/borne by the two parities. The plaintiff shall pay RMB 700 Yuan and the defendant shall pay RMB 2,810 Yuan.
7. 如本判決對非終審判決,原、被告若不服判決并上訴,所要準備的上訴材料
Either party that refuses to accept this judgment as final may, within fifteen days after service of this judgment appeal to XX by submitting an appeal petition to this court, together with a sufficient number of copies for each party to have one copy.